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Come and Train with West Cumbria Aikido

We offer weekly Aikido classes for 16 year old and older in a traditional form of Aikido - Takemusu Aikido in St Bees, West Cumbria. Email for details.


Beginners welcome - first three classes are free

Monday 18:30 - 20:30 | Tuesday 18:00 - 19:00 | Thursday 18:00 - 19:00

St Bees School, Wood Lane, St Bees, West Cumbria, CA27 0DS

Beginners are welcome throughout the year. After an initial warm-up, the instructor demonstrates techniques to the class who then partner up and practice those techniques. Aikido is not competitive. You work with a partner to develop an understanding of the movements and how it feels both to perform and to receive the techniques.

Be sure to advise the teacher of any medical problems, injuries or physical limitations which should be considered for your own safety and that of the other students.

The classes includes: dojo etiquette, hanmi (stance), ukemi (rolls and breakfalls), tai sabaki (body movement)
basic taijutsu (empty handed techniques) such as how to perform and safely receive basic attacks, locks, pins and throws and an introduction to aiki weapons: jo (wooden staff) and bokken (wooden sword).

What to wear

Wear light but reasonably robust clothing, such as a sweat shirt and jogging bottoms. No jewellery or watches are to be worn during training. We train in bare feet but footwear should be worn whilst off the mat to avoid bringing dirt onto the training area. A karate or judo-gi (the familiar white costumes worn during training) can be purchased later if you decide to continue your aikido training - the club can help with ordering.



The club has spare sets of jo and bokken that new starters can borrow at no extra cost. After a few weeks individuals general chose to purchase their own weapons - again the club can help with ordering. 

Membership and Costs

After your initial first three (and free) classes, a membership fee is payable which covers the cost of your registration with TAA / TAE / BAB, your grading passport and BAB insurance. Membership registration and insurance fees needs to be paid each year and an annual renewal fee is incurred.

In additional to initial and annual membership costs, there are training fees that cover venue hire and other club running costs. Whereever possible, we ask that these are made via monthly scheduled bank transfer.

In terms of training fees we offer a number of payment schemes including:

  • Discounts for students, apprentices and others on restricted budgets.

  • Where there is one full-rate paying adult training, additional adult members from the same household can train at half the price (but initial registration and annual renewal costs still apply).

  • Where there is one full-rate paying adult  present, any minors (<18-yrs) can train free of charge (but initial registration and annual renewal costs still apply). 

We are a not-for-profit organisation, instructors and committee members give their time for free. In fact instructors and committee members pay the same membership, insurance and training fees as everyone else!!

After you have completed your three (free) trial classes, if you wish to continue training with West Cumbria Aikido, please complete our membership application form:

Weekly Training 

Our class include buki waza (weapons training) and tai jutusu (empty hand practice).

  • On the mat tai jutsu (empty-handed self-defence) every Monday, 18:30 to 20:30 in the Memorial Hall, St Bees School.

  • Outside and solo and partnered weapons training on a Tuesday and Thursday, 18:00 to 19:00, St Bees School. 

Class instructors are Jason Fisher and Adrian Punt with guest instructors visiting on a regular basis.


Online Training

Prior to the COVID pandemic, the number of people practising Aikido outside the dojo was limited and for many, the concept of solo training didn't exist.

The COVID pandemic forced us to adapt and across TAE a wide range of online live training opportunities were provided. Key to this was the concept in Takemusu Aikido that the body movements of ken and jo pratice are the same as tai jutsu. 

Despite the reopening of dojos, the popularity of 'at home' and 'online training' has remained that has been accompanied by a keen interest in solo training. This training continues for any interested:

  • 7 am - 8 am Monday to Friday mornings and 6 pm Monday and Wednesday evening with Michael Ormerod (3rd Dan Aikikai) exploring weapons work, tai jutsu and body conditioning exercise.

  • Sunday morning workshops held monthly 9 am - 12 noon with Michael Ormerod, each looking at a particular theme.

Online classes are open to all irrespective of grade, style or affiliation. Classes typical start with mobility and flexibility and body conditioning exercise then move into aiki-ken, aiki-jo or solo tai jutsu practice. The classes are designed for lone individuals training at home, but are also suitable for groups to train along to. Please get in touch for details.

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