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2024 Lewis in the UK! (940 × 788 px).png


We are very pleased to invite you to our third mid-summer seminar with Sensei Lewis Bernaldo de Quirós, 7th Dan Aikikai and direct student of Morihiro Saito Sensei.


The seminar will include sessions on the Friday evening (21st) and weekend of 22nd and 23rd June 2023 in St Bees, West Cumbria.


We hope that this will be a fun event where you can learn and develop your Aikido skills and meet old and new friends. Note - for the weekend we have 160 square meters of mat space (in addition to a significant outdoor area) and have set participant capacity at 55. Places will be allocated on a first come basis so please register promptly if you can.


Register via the Google form here:


Friday 21st  June (The Memorial Hall):
- Session 1 - 19:00-21:00 - Sensei de Quirós

Saturday 22nd June (The Main Sports Hall):
- Session 2 – 12:00–14:00 - Sensei de Quirós
- Session 3 – 15:00–17:00 - Sensei de Quirós

Sunday 23rd June (The Main Sports Hall):
- Session 4 – 10:00–12:00 - Sensei de Quirós
- Session 5 – 13:00–15:00 - Sensei de Quirós


St Bees School, Wood Lane, St Bees, Cumbria, CA27 0DS (


St Bees School is a co-educational independent school located in the West Cumbrian village of St Bees that was founded in 1583 by the then Archbishop of Canterbury Edmund Grindal as a boys' "free grammar school". St Bees School has been home to West Cumbria Aikido since February 2019 and this will be our fourth national level seminar (and second seminar with Sensei de Quirós).


St Bees is a charming West Cumbrian coastal village situated just south of Whitehaven, about 50 miles south from Carlisle and is a good base for exploring the western side of the Lake District and the Cumbrian coast and is also the start (or end) of the north of England Coast-to-Coast walk.


There  are plenty of accommodation options in St Bees village and the nearby area:


For local camping / tourer / holiday chalet opportunities in St Bees see -


If you require advice on accommodation or travel options please contact Adrian via email (


The weekend seminar will be led by Sensei de Quirós, 7th Dan Aikikai and Technical Director of Traditional Aikido Europe.


Sensei de Quirós trained full-time under the late Morihiro Saito Sensei (9th Dan Aikikai) from 1986 until 1993 in the Iwama Dojo in Japan. Prior to beginning his training in Aikido, he trained for 10 years in both Judo and Karate (Shotokan Karate under the late Keinosuke Enoeda Sensei 9th Dan in London). During his stay in Japan, he also practiced Kyudo (Traditional Japanese Archery), Japanese calligraphy and Zen.


Since returning from Japan, he has taught Aikido on a full time basis and to date has conducted well over 350 international seminars. After returning from Japan he maintained regular contact with his teacher through seminars both as a participant as well as assistant and translator until his passing away in 2002.


Lewis received the rank of 5th Dan Aikikai from Morihiro Saito Sensei in 1999 and 6th Dan Aikikai from Doshu Moriteru Ueshiba (Hombu Dojo Tokyo) in 2009 and subsequently 7th Dan in 2024. He is the Senior Instructor and Examiner on behalf of Hombu Dojo of a European network of Dojos (Traditional Aikido Europe) committed to developing, researching and transmitting the style of Aikido known as Takemusu Aikido (Iwama Aikido) which was transmitted directly to Morihiro Saito Sensei from the Founder of Aikido Morihei Ueshiba during his more than 23-years as a direct student at the Founder’s Dojo in Iwama Japan.



The 2024 seminar meal will be held at the Rum Story in the center of Whitehaven ( and your evening will start with a rum cocktail. We will eat in the rum store vaults that are part of the 1785 warehouse and hear about the history of Whitehaven and its former role in rum trade, and shipping and maritime history. There will then be rum tasting and an opportunity to buy Jeffersons Rum.


We have engaged caterers to provide a healthy and hearty meal choice with meat and vegetarian options with ‘something sweet’ to follow. If you have specific dietary concerns, please get in touch. There will be a pay-as-you-go bar with local bottle beers, wines and spirits.


The venue has a seating capacity of 60 and preference will be given to those that are training. Nonetheless, if you have a friend or family member with you, we will try to fit them in.


Find us on Facebook - West Cumbria Aikido
Local organiser: Adrian Punt:


The 2024 fees are:


- Friday only (2-hr) - £20
- Saturday only (4-hr) - £40
- Sunday only (4-hr) - £40

- Saturday and Sunday together (8-hr) - £75
- Friday, Saturday and Sunday together - £90


Note, concessions are available for juniors / students, retired and unwaged. Please get in touch for details. 


A cold buffet lunch can be ordered for each day (£7.5 per day per person). The seminar meal on the Saturday costs £30 per person.


All monies are payable in advance and payment should be made by Friday 31st May 2024.


Please pay by bank transfer to:
West Cumbria Aikido
NatWest, Whitehaven Branch
Sort Code: 01-09-54
Account: 60826355


IBAN: GB74NWBK01095460826355


SEPA credit transfer and direct debit and B2B international payments are supported.

Please use the reference LBQ-24 in your transfer and indicate your name.


All participants should be appropriately insured and able to demonstrate this. If you require insurance please contact us and this can be arranged. Also please bring bokken and jo. If this is not possible the club has plenty of spares.


In Aiki 
Adrian and Jason - co-dojo chos, West Cumbria Aikido

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